San Francisco Dreamin'

08 December 2007

What No One Tells You About Marriage Vol. 2

(Note: If you click the title of this post it will take you Maria's post of the same title - something that gives me food for thought today. - Thanks, Maria!)

I am not really a very kind person. I am an okay person. I am not a bad person, nor am I really a mean person. I do kind things occasionally, but mostly I just stay within myself. No matter what.

For some reason JB loves me no matter what. She is the definition of love. She is a very kind woman who gives a lot of herself. She wants the best for others, at the expense of herself. Sometimes I think she is crazy, and if she feels depressed at times, it is because she does not take care of herself. She takes care of everyone else. And, I love her maddeningly, totally and completely.

I think that our marriage is the embodiment of opposites attract. It's not always a pretty sight when these opposites collide, I can tell you that. I am sure that we have both questioned why we ever got together. But, I don't think we will ever be apart, either. We've known each other since the mid 70's, were together briefly, then circumstances sent us down different paths, and we have been together now, for good, since 1993.

We don't really argue much. She's very passive, and I can be aggressive; mostly passive-aggressive. I don't think we have been able to nip some of the on-going problems in the bud because neither one of us wants to go there. After reading Maria's post, I can see that we are not alone in this - even among therapists!

What I do know is that I am so very lucky to have her steadfast love. I would be a shadow of a woman with out it, grasping for that I cannot reach. I don't know why she loves me like she does.

I just know that this is the kind of love you do not take for granted, you do nothing to harm it, you hold it close and keep the flame, and hope that you will always deserve it.


posted by Tawanda at 4:27 PM

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