San Francisco Dreamin'

04 October 2007

Fly Like a Bird

I recently found an old friend on the Internet. Adrian and I had lost touch over ten years ago. Relationships change, we lived in different states. I was single, then I wasn't, then I was again - for a while. It was way back when... I knew her when she first came out - because I was her first. It was so much fun - what with the stomach butterflies and the constant sex. But, it wouldn't last. It couldn't, really. We were off in different directions - the big wonderful world offered us choices, and ours were each different.

Last time I saw her was back in the early 90's. I think it was in Fremont. Somehow we had hooked up - I was working for a Big Tech Company in the valley, she was working for Novell. I don't remember the details.

My roomie and I spent an awkward afternoon at the condo she shared with her then-partner (who was going to a culinary school). After that, the only time I heard of her again was through a mutual friend living in New York. Some friendships are like that, I think. Somewhere on the pole, but not very high up. You know?
That was okay. We had good memories.

Then, recently, I was googling something about service for PC's, or some such thing, and her name came up in the list. I blinked.

Could there be more than one?

(Her name is rather asynchronous - I do not think there is another like it to this day.) I had to sign up to some techie site to send her an email - only 250 characters! - because her email address was protected. A few days later, I heard back from her.

She is living up in Wyoming with the love of her life, three horses and a dog and two cats. So, we started up a new friendship, me sharing with her about my partner, my girls; she has been sharing with me about her life on the ranch.

We have good memories, and we can both look back and smile. It makes me feel as if I can fly like a bird knowing that good things happen to good people.


posted by Tawanda at 5:14 PM


03 October 2007

Where We Are Now

It has been a very busy week. And this would be an understatement.

In my last post I mentioned that one of the names listed by Indiana Mom was that of a lawyer in San Francisco. We looked her up, and sent her an email. The next day we had a very nice reply, complete with a lot of information about her son. Her partner emailed us a couple hours later with a very nice message and pictures of her son. I don't really see much resemblance between our daughters and their son, but I do between Indiana Mom's daughter and the boy. We replied with some pictures of the girls which showed off their eyes and their smiles. This was yesterday.

So. Now. What?

I found JB in the kitchen last evening when I came home from work. As she was preparing the meal she turned to me.
"Well, we need to talk to the girls about all of this. We could start with something like, 'Do you have any questions for us about the donor?'"
No words were more truly spoken. I gave her my look.
"Yeah, and I can hear them now - 'Nope. Going outside to play now. See ya Mom!' - Yeah, that will work real good."
Her pensive look told me that truth had been spoken. She mulled it around for a bit, then she had another idea.
"Well, we could just open up a discussion about it saying that it's been a while since we talked about these things, and we were wondering if they had ever thought about the possibility of half-siblings?"
I allowed as how that might open up their eyes a bit. One good thing about bringing it up this way is that I have a half-brother (my mother's first born son). So the notion of a half-sibling isn't new to them. I said,
"That could work - and let's not forget my sister! As they know, her existence didn't come to light until a couple of years ago. They're already familiar with family closets and the skeletons that fall out!"
Yes, you read that right. Not only do I have a half-brother (Elton: eleven years older than me) and a full brother (Malcolm: ten years older) but only recently has a full sister come to light (Robin). She was able to get her adoption records opened up, and then she found her birth family (this is wild fodder for yet another series of posts). She is 8 years older than me. Which means she is between Malcolm and me. See? Fodder galore!

But, I digress. My apologies to you, my humble reader.

This weekend we intend to take this to the next level, as it were. To discuss, ad nauseum, anything and everything about donors, their sperm, their off-spring, and all the permutations thereof. We will get to some sense of comfy for all of us.

Okay, now - discuss. I want to hear your thoughts, ideas and questions.

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posted by Tawanda at 4:01 PM
